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TV, Aerial\Satellite and Security Specialists

Freeview Provides a very large number of free-to-air TV and radio channels.
Modern televisions now come with a built in Freeview receiver since the old analogue signal is no longer broadcast.
Older televisions without a built in receiver will require an external Freeview box.
Freeview Digital TV does not require a monthly subscription to enjoy the free to view television channels but there are a number of additional digital TV channels which are available on ‘Top Up TV’ as Pay to View channels from different providers for which you may need an additional plug-in box.
Freeview boxes are readily available which give you the the ability to record television programmes of your choice without the need for DVD's or a separate HDD recorder. The Freeview+ digital television receiver incorporates all the technology of standard Freeview, but features a hard disk to store all your recorded programmes. Furthermore, you can also pause, rewind and fast forward live tv. This feature will ensure you never miss a moment of your favourite television viewing again, even when you have an unexpected visitor.
Standard boxes will allow you to watch one programme while recording another or record two programmes simultaneously.
We supply and fit both Freeview and Freeview + boxes.
For more information on Freeview channels click here